fork in the road with a cloudy sky
Adults, Covid-19, DBT

Turning the Mind to the New Year

As we close out the year, we are asked, if not expected, to keep looking forward. We might be asked (perhaps virtually) what our New Year’s resolutions will be? What our goals are for after the clock strikes midnight? But today, I ask you to pause. Resolutions and goals are important. AND so is acceptance of just being wherever you are. I want to ask you to consider a new, perhaps different skill to bring with you into 2021: Turning the mind towards accceptance.

man standing with arms open toward a sun setting showing acceptance
Adults, Covid-19, DBT

Acceptance Through the Pandemic

I find myself reflecting upon how different this year has been for me and for many that I know. The changes, the uncertainty, the losses experienced during the pandemic weight heavily in a way that complicates how I approach my normal year-end reflection. Understanding how difficult this year has been for so many of my loved ones and clients is part of the reason I decided to write about my own journey to acceptance through the pandemic.