Cartoon of woman caring for elderly man
Adults, Guest Blogs

Caring for Caregivers: Support and Mental Health

Being a caregiver is a rewarding position that nourishes the soul, but with a tradeoff. Taking care of a loved one or patient can be overwhelmingly taxing, both physically and mentally. Caregiver stress can take a toll on your overall health and well-being, leading to burnout. Here are some risk factors, signs, and suggestions to reduce caregiver stress.

depressed preschool child holding a teddy bear
Child Therapy, Guest Blogs

Guest Blog: Mental Health of Preschoolers

Therapy? For a 3-year-old? They are so young. What could they possibly be depressed or anxious about? I often get these questions from friends and family who find out that I work with young children. The reality is that kids as young as 3 are being diagnosed with serious mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression. Current research estimates about 2% of preschoolers meet criteria for depression or anxiety.

figures of different body types, improve your body image
Adults, Covid-19, Guest Blogs, Teenagers

Guest Blog: Improve Your Body Image During the Double Pandemic

Hello! My name is Alex Altman, a psychotherapist in private practice. I specialize in working with adolescents and adults struggling with body image concerns, disordered eating and anxiety. I’m thrilled to be guest-blogging here today about how to improve you body image! Here are 5 tips if you are struggling to improve your body image. Plus you can increase self-compassion along the way!